Could you EXPLAIN to me WHY?


When a nun covers herself from head to toe, she is praised for practicing her religion.

But when a muslim women covers herself from head to toe she needs to be liberated




when the 11th September attacks took place people felt sorrow for the victims.


but the innocent people in afganistan, america is so called “acciddentally bombing” have no sorrow felt towards them…




when the 11th September attacks took place margaret thacher said she did not hear enough sorrow from the muslim community.


but now innocent civilians are suffering in afganisation, margaret thacher has not expressed her sorrows…




when a jew keeps his beard he is practising his faith


but when a muslim keeps a beard he is a terrorist




where is the justice

when innocent muslim children are killed


but theres justice when a isreali soldier is killed in war the world cries out for his justice and revenge…




but still after all why is it that islam is the fastest growing religion in the world…




“you can kill the person but you can’t kill the religion. Once understanding this, you will know no matter how many muslims you kill islam will still live on!”