is our most precious commodity. Nothing we covet and desire in life can be
obtained except by spending time, and spending it properly, in its pursuit.
We maybe spending our time to seek pleasure, to earn money and worldly
possessions, to work, to enjoy, or we may simply idle it away - doing nothing.
is the first thing that Allah demands of us. It takes time to fight in the way
of Allah.
It takes time to pray. It takes time to do Da'wah. It takes time to read the
Qur'an. It takes time to visit the sick. Every moment should be spent in seeking
His pleasure, in fulfilling our commitment to Him. But, if you reflect more
deeply, you will realise that what you are really required to sacrifice is
not your time. It is the things in whose pursuit your time is being spent,
things which may be contradictory to your goals in life, meaningless,
unimportant or less important compared to Allah's cause. Therefore to give
your time for Islam, before anything else, you must be ready to sacrifice many
other things which claim your time.
can you bring yourself to sacrifice these things and devote your time to Allah?
Remember that time is one thing you cannot hold on to even for a moment. It must continuously slip away from you, in whatever way you choose to spend it. Its value to you is simply what you gain from it. Time will melt away, what you earn will stay!"